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Proper installation and maintenance
is key to effective sediment and erosion control.

Learn how to install Silt Socks correctly.

Silt Sock Canada Leaf Logo

There are different installation technique options for Silt Sock.

Learn what type of placement you should use for your specific job site!

Proper Installation of Silt Sock Diagram

Be ready for any installation and know the proper handling techniques.

  • Slope Interruption

  • Ditch Checks

  • Perimeter Control

  • Inlet Protection

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Slope interruptions

For slopes, make sure to support the sock and use more than one layer of sock if needed! 

Silt Sock Canada Leaf Logo

Proper care and maintenance

The following Silt Sock conditions require maintenance

Deformation due to drive over or dragging

Action required: Re-contour by hand if applicable. If not, see applicable repair methods below.

Sock rolling due to hydraulic force

 - Action required: Reposition and add additional stakes.

Loss of ground contact

 - Action required: Fill in depressions and back-fill with soil or woodchips. 

Sediment accumulation of 1/2 sock height

 - Action required: Install a second row of sock positioned on top of and/or up slope of the original.

The following Silt Sock conditions require repair

Holes, rips, or tears of the Sock

 - Action required: Small holes or narrow rips shorter than 12 inches may be stitched closed using plastic zip-ties. Tears longer than 12 inches require the sock to be replaced.

Pinch or localized diameter reduction of more than 1/2 the original diameter

 - Action required: Install new section of sock up slope of the damaged section.

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